I was reading last night, and before I proceed updating my reflections from Spain, I'd like to share, reflect on my reading; I feel my findings have huge relevance to my reflections concerning 'Water Memory,' birth/baby and our beginnings of life (in the womb and evolutionary) in a watery environment.. even the process of sowing the seed of life takes place within a watery disposition.
'Water is the medium in which everything is born and develops. It is literally the origin of all life, both ontogenetically (embryonic development) and phylogenetically (the history of the entire evolutionary process of a given species). There exists no living thing whose phylogeny does not start with water...'
'In the foetal stage, the human being is a symbiotic aquatic animal, suspended in a warm, salty liquid that reproduces the hydrosaline equilibrium of the oceans. For nine months we live like marine creatures... Up to the moment of parturition, the human foetus behaves much like a fish, immersed in amniotic fluid and receiving oxygen through the umbilical artery.'
'A human embryo does not pass through the stage of an adult fish, but shares characteristics with fish's embryonic development... the embryo and the ways in which it develops contain the seed, the meaning and the evolutionary dynamic of the species, wherein we find reminders of our ancestral past, a memory of the species contained not only in the genome but in its very anatomy.'
'The mind is not, it must be remembered, confined to the brain. It is immanent in the physical body, and at the same time capable of transcending it in space and time through thought, which has no spatiotemporal boundaries.'
'...specialists agree that the ideal environment for labour and birth is warm sea water, as it is similar in density and composition to amniotic fluid. Through the first year of life, infants are able to adapt to water with surprising ease, demonstrating a natural inclination for swimming and an utter lack of fear. Newborns are able to stay underwater for up to 40 minutes while still attached to the umbilical cord, and instinctively know how to navigate toward the water's surface.'
All the above quotes come from a fab book I stumbled upon in the beautiful little shop Halcyon Daze www.halcyon-daze.com (what a find);
Consigli, P, MA. (2008) water, pure and simple: the infinite wisdom of an extraordinary molecule Watkins Publishing: London
See video documentations 3, 4 & 5 (http://vimeo.com/27438474 http://vimeo.com/27440922 http://vimeo.com/27968368)
What does a fish know about the water in which he swims all his life?
(Albert Einstein cited in Consigli: 2008)
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